The Matter of the Heart - Wanda Buckner, founder of Healing Energy Services, Pet and People Communicator, Energy Healer, Psychic, Clairvoyant, Hypnotherapist, Holy Fire Reiki Healer and Medium - Mediumship for Pets and People Communicating to the spirit of a deceased person has a lot of historical validation. Cave paintings by indigenous Australians date back 28,000 years. Some other cultures where spirits were painted in caves were in Indonesia, the Native Americans culture, and paintings of the after life were seen in the pyramids. Mediumship gained popularity during the nineteenth century where the upper classes used mediumship as a source of entertainment such as the Ouija board. What is a medium? How does a medium communicate to a deceased person or pet? What type of energy is needed and can anyone do it? Why does a spirit visit us? What is a spirit level? What are some of the issues of a spirit passing and why is a medium so important for the loved one in the present time? Is one issue resolving an unresolved issue? What happens to the spirit of a suicide person? Is the energy of a spirit continuous or does it ever end? Wanda discusses with Carol Olivia the many stories from her clients that will give you a much better understanding of the spirit world. Wanda believes that the body is a very small component compared to the spirit within us. How are babies and animals connected to spirit? Wanda picks up the loving energy from the deceased person or pet. She believes that some of us will go through a golden tunnel and other spirits may float for awhile. Wanda believes that spirits embraced their past mission with a better understanding. What can we learn from the spirits through mediumship? How can we learn to live a healthier life style? How can we brush off any energy that is not conducive for the well being of our spirit? Spirits have told Wanda that we need to look at the larger picture of our lives. Embrace the larger picture on your journey and listen to Wanda Buckner on The Matter of the Heart!